
An IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is the document that outlines a student’s accommodations 在K-12教育环境中提供服务. 那份文件本身并没有直接 在大学里为学生提供住宿. All college accommodations start at the 需求方, through the student's counselor. Please refer or walk the student to the 需求方 (building 2400) to make an appointment 咨询师. 

Once connected to the 需求方, a student who is eligible for accommodations will bring 在一页纸的文件里给你们看. 这是学术住宿计划文件 由学生和Chabot 需求方顾问签署. 那份文件是学生的 显示教员的验证. 它将列出具体的学术住宿 各自的学生正在接受. 

At the college level, students are expected to be proactive with their accommodations. For example, if the student receives alternative testing such as extended time, they will need to complete the appropriate document in the 需求方 office to start the process. If you have questions about how to navigate an accommodation pertaining to your class (such as receiving extended testing time or having a student notetaker in the class), 请与dsp联系. 

Instructor, you may come across a student who is doing many things right (such as going to tutoring, turning in class work, spending hours on homework) but you observe that the student could use additional support beyond office hours and the tutoring center. 这段对话是什么样子的?

Your referral conversation could take place over one meeting or multiple short meetings. Instructor, you may prefer to refer students directly to 需求方 and/or to LNSK classes 或与我们友好的LNSK教职员工见面. 一些教师推荐学生 directly to our LNSK 116 course because sometimes students are hesitant to enter the 首先是dsp办公室. LNSK 116是进入dsp服务的一个很好的过渡,因为在 end of the course, students who are eligible for services are required to make an 与需求方顾问预约,以便开始他们的住宿. 老师, scroll to the bottom of this section for more information about the LNSK 116 course.

If this is your first time having such a conversation with a student, there are a 以下几点建议. Your conversation with the student is about sharing some helpful information with them so they are aware of all resources available to them for additional support, 他们是否选择连接到LNSK/ dsp. 学生可以对对话作出反应 在很多方面. 最好的情况是学生看到你有多 关心并乐于探索这些额外的工具和资源. 最好的 scenario is that the student may come in (to LNSK or the 需求方), get tested and get 他们需要的学术支持(我们最喜欢的结果)!). 这里有一些建议 对于想要开始对话的教员来说.


  1. 注意所有的 阳性 你观察了学生和他/她在课堂上的努力或工作
  2. 提到你的 特定的观察 韦德1946学生面临的特殊挑战. 例如: 
    1. “I see you are making an effort in class and noticed that exams seem to be difficult.”
    2. “我看得出你很努力. 让我们谈谈如何提高你的表现 在课堂上”. 
    3. “学期开始的时候,你表现得很好. 最近,我观察到……”
  3. 得到 学生反馈 然后有一个 校园资源池 给学生一张单子 其中包括dsp或学习技能课程
    1. See if the student is turning in all work, if not, discuss that with the student and 他们计划如何按时完成工作.
    2. 看看学生是否有课外作业或学习习惯
    3. 看看学生是否要去辅导,如果是的话,它是如何帮助的.
    4. You can preface your resources as “These are some resources that many students find 当他们在课堂上遇到困难时,他们会很有帮助. 我想确保你知道 在你所有的选择中.”
  4. Another recommendation is to conclude the conversation by inviting the student to 与需求方预约(或访问辅导中心等) 和你联系并反思 如果这对你有帮助的话. 学生会知道你的关心和关心 有更多的责任跟进你推荐的资源吗.

一个示例对话启动器A - LNSK 120/121学习厅

  • "I noticed that the work you are turning in is not matching what the assignment was 要求. 你参与课堂讨论,交作业,参观 辅导中心. 这些都是学生必备的技能. 如果你有兴趣理解的话 the assignments better, there are a few more student resources you can utilize. 有 你以前和我的同事Heather或Mr. 告诉)? 这是 a study hall class where they not only tutor students on the assignment, but will 和你一起学习新的学习策略. 你愿意看看那个班是怎样的吗 会在这门课上帮你吗? 伟大的! 我们给老师发邮件要个添加号, 现在. 等你上完三节课我们再见面吧,这样你就可以让我 知道你是否觉得这对这门课有帮助."

一个例子会话启动B - LNSK学术课程

  • "I see that you are getting frustrated with [reading, writing, workload, content] 在本课程中. 你在过去的课上学得怎么样? ... 似乎是阅读的问题 [或写作,或基本的数学函数]引起你的关注. 你有兴趣吗? in taking a class that will help you build those specific skills, so that that you'll 准备在一两个学期内攻克这门课? 伟大的! 让我们联系一下我的同事 谁教LNSK [117,118a, 118B, 119]

一个例子对话启动C- LNSK 116诊断诊所

  •  “I see that you are working hard, doing your homework, getting tutoring, studying 时间长了,还在挣扎. 有个项目也许能帮上忙 giving you an assessment to see if you might be eligible for additional learning tools. 这个项目被称为“学习技能”. 他们做学习优势测试 这门课叫LNSK 116. 你有兴趣了解更多吗 自己的学习? 我可以带你去(LNSK或需求方)那里,他们可以回答你的问题 给你一张Add-Card "

Dear 教师, the 学习 Skills program will Add students into a class any time 除LNSK 116外(详情见下文). 越早 他们加入我们的项目,他们将得到更多的学习支持.

LNSK 116概述:诊断诊所 

课程的前半部分包括课堂的诊断部分. 学生 are given various state mandated protocol and additional surveys (scantrons, writing, 数学、计时考试等). 尽管我们不能涵盖所有的话题,因为 time, the remaining weeks are where students participate in discussions, presentations 活动的主题包括:

  • 学习障碍概述(如阅读障碍)
  • 注意缺陷障碍(ADD/ADHD)概述
  • 大脑和学习的步骤
  • 住宿和服务
  • 残疾法:权利 & 责任
  • 保密 & 信息披露
  • 从高中到大学的过渡
  • 维护自己的权利
  • 迈尔斯布里格斯类型指示器
  • 学习风格清单和策略
  • 成长心态
  • 情商
  • 多元智力理论
  • 考试焦虑
  • 记笔记的不同风格
  • 与老师谈论学习障碍/住宿
  • 管理的干扰
  • 时间管理
  • 阅读策略
  • 研究策略
  • 如何驾驭小组工作
  • 查伯特大学校园资源

这个9周的课程有多个部分. 我们从 start of every semester and another round of classes beginning around the 9th or 10th week of the semester (often falling in October in the fall semester, and March in 春季学期)和夏季的一到两节课. *由于密集 testing process  we add students only up the third week of the session even though there are some circumstances within our program that may allow us to to add students 第三周过后. 如有任何疑问,请与LD专家联系 韦德1946LNSK 116. 目前有三位:希瑟·克莱门茨、约书亚·泰利斯和雪莉 Pejman.

Just by opening this card, you are already doing a wonderful service for your students 作为一个教育者,新的学习往往会使所有的学生受益.



加州社区学院校长办公室评估中心 (CCCCO)

培训和资源. Free training sessions (to CCC employees) and information about accessible technology 以及残疾相关的教育工具.


加州高等教育和残疾协会 (披斗篷的)

协会及年会. Higher Education (also Psychologists and Adult Ed participate) with a wide range of topics pertaining to disability, including new legislation and best practices.



协会、年会和学习机构. 韦德1946网站 are hosted by a collaboration of various university Education, Neuroscience, Psychology programs pertaining to best practices and new research about the brain, 学习、教学.



通用学习设计 (UDL) is a set of strategies and practices that make 所有学生都能更方便地学习课程. 有些人将UDL简单地描述为“良好的教学”。. Research and experience shows that UDL friendly courses benefit all students, and 甚至减少对特殊学术设施的需求.


  1. 多重平均数 表示 -为学习者提供多种获取信息和知识的途径
  2. 多重平均数 表达式 - provide learners alternatives/various modes for demonstrating what they know
  3. 多重平均数 订婚 - tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation


  • 在视频中使用封闭字幕 
  • 检查您的画布和网站是否可访问
  • 提供每周学习目标、指导笔记和图表
  • Create multiple means of accessing materials: including print, digital, text-to-speech 和有声读物 
  • 提供一个基于项目的学习活动
  • Ask students to provide feedback or weekly personal reflections about learning


去查伯特学院看看 需求方的网站 获取有关Canvas、Microsoft Word等可访问性的资源. 


请查看 学习障碍资源 page for a robust list of websites and books about various learning disabilities. 有些是技术性的,有些是叙述性的. 这是一个将被修改的活列表 随着新的(和改进的)信息和资源找到我们.